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The Sacraments


Pope John Paul II N.S.  places great importance on the preparation of our pupils for the Sacraments. During their time in our school, children are prepared for the Sacrament of First Penance (First Confession), First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Our dedicated staff and in particular the teachers of these classes (2nd class for First Penance and First Holy Communion and 6th class for Confirmation) put great time and effort into making these Sacraments very special experiences for the pupils.

The work of sacramental preparation in the school is based around the Grow in Love Holy Communion & Confirmation Programmes. Both Programmes are designed to facilitate pupils, parents & families’ active involvement in the preparation for the sacrament.


Our school choir enhances the ceremonies and our Parents’ Association get involved in the organisation of parties afterwards to make the celebration a whole school event. 
