This week we compared and contrasted our lives with those of the people that grew up in Ireland in the past. We learned all about landlords and tenants and what life was like if you were extremely poor.
This week , we have been learning about St. Patrick in Ireland. We have also been learning about the early Irish monks and what life in a monastery was like. We have learned about the different buildings that were in the monastery eg the scriptorium, the cell, the abbey, the refectory etc
We have been learning all about Amelia and her famous flight across the Atlantic Ocean.
This week we have been learning about the famous explorer Ernest Shackleton. We examined photos of Elephant Island and his ship The Endurance.
This month , we are learning all about The Vikings. Did you know the first place they landed on was Lambay Island in 795 ad? Ailbhe told us all about a round tower and explained how The Vikings used to attack the towers.
This week , we have started learning all about 'The Celts in Europe' and in particular how The Celts came to Ireland.
Today we spoke about 'ring forts' or 'rath'- can you think of any towns in Ireland that have 'Rath' in their name? If so, there is a strong possibility that there was once a Celtic Ring Fort in that town.
Here are some interactive links for you to explore and learn a little more about these people:
This week we have been learning all about the origins of Halloween . We have discussed where the 'Jack O Lanterns' came from and why people started to dress up.
We are learning all about what life was like in Ancient Greece.
As part of history we looked at 'Ourselves'. We discussed why we were given our name. Some people said they were called after their grandparents- others were called after their dad's favourite footballer!
We spoke about our happiest memories and also about our earliest memories. Some people could remember things that happened when they were just two years old!