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Ms. O'Brien (Rm 26)

The children had a great day in funtasia for the third class tour

Pupils making electricity circuits using switches

Some photos from the third class Ceilí  held on the 16th of March.

February and March are busy months in school.The pupils are doing lots of extra  reading and quizzes on books for world book day.

It is also fairtrade fortnight and the children have discussed Fairtrade products and their countries of origin. They have discussed also the need for Fair trade in the world.


Seachtan na geailge will begin in March and the pupils have been learning some Irish dances,Ballaí luimnigh and the siege of Ennis. There will be a céilí near st Patrick's day in the hall.


I have given the pupils their paswords for story bird and they are busy writing fantastic stories with accompanying pictures. We  read some of them in class. Well done everyone.

Dont forget to also go online to do some extra maths on prodigy.


The SPHE programme on keeping children safe (stay safe ) will begin next week  and  I recommend that you discuss this issue with your child. The programme consists of 5 lessons on staying safe and the children learn the stay safe code.


There are lots of enjoyable activities for your child to participate in over the next few weeks.

The usual work of school will also be ongoing. It is hard to find the time for it all!

This is Fair trade fortnight and the class have discussed fair trade  products and their countries of origin.Below are some photos of pupils finding the country of origin of these products on a blank world map. They really enjoyed this lesson and increased their knowledge of physical Geography in the process.
Here are some images from world book day on march 2nd in the reading garden
Below are some drama scenes from the novel the giraffe ,the pelly and me.
Here are some Christmas art photos that the children greatly enjoyed making. Happy Christmas to you all.

The season of Advent is here and the class attended an Advent service in the school lobby today. They did readings and sang Christmas carols.

The pupils will do lots of Christmas Art this month. They will also do plenty of literacy and Irish work on the Theme of Christmas.

Below are some photos of the children painting halloween masks. The theme for this month is of course Halloween. The pupils will do lots of Halloween Art, also poems and story writing on this topic.

We have examined the stone age in Ireland in History and the pupils greatly enjoyed making Stone Age pots from clay.

In Maths the class have been learning a new method of doing subtraction called one above one below. it is a quicker way to do large computations in  subtraction. This method was explained in the sheet to accompany homework.

We have also completed a class maths door on maths facts. The pupils gave information about themselves in the form of maths sentences.

In Irish we are continuing on with Bia (food) and the children are enjoying talking about their lunch boxes and meals in Irish. They will also learn simple vocabulary and sentences on the theme of Halloween.

The children have examined Fruit and vegetables and the conditions they need to grow . We will be doing simple experiments in this.

Swimming will soon come to an end and the pupils will be issued certificates by the instructors. They really enjoyed it especially the bus journeys!

I hope to meet up with you all soon in person at the parent teacher meetings.

Halloween Art, Maths door

In English the pupils have completed several short stories and have finished comprehension questions and grammer exercises on the above.

They also get to have DEAR time in class but they need to read for about 20 minutes or more at home.


In SPHE the pupils have completed lessons on Fionn and the Fianna, Irish land and sea animals and buildings and bridges.

We will be learning about the stone age next month.

Welcome Parents and pupils to Third class. I hope that the pupils will have a very happy and successful year. They have settled in well at this stage and are getting used to new routines and books.

Swimming is well underway at this stage and the pupils have completed 4 lessons. Tuesday morning is a very enjoyable morning for them as they love the bus journey as well as the swimming. Regular P E lessons will begin in 5 weeks time and pupils need to wear runners and school  tracksuit on Tuesdays and fridays.

Written homework should take 35 minutes approx plus learning and reading in line with school policy. If your child  for some reason cannot complete homework, i do need to see a short note about this.

In maths we have finished time and the clock for the moment . It would be very helpful if you could revise clock times throughout the year to reinforce this with them.


In Irish pupils have been learning to speak about themselves and their body parts.

We are now beginning to learn how use Irish in relation to food. They get to take the book home Sin é to read over short pieces and to listen to the CD.This helps pronunciation.
