Month of June.
This month we will revising all the work completed this year especially in Maths and Irish.
The chilfren have worked very hard this year and i wish them all an enjoyable summer break.
As i said in the school reports keep up with reading and maths work over the holidays.
All of the rainforest projects were very well finished and i think the pupils now have a very good idea of how to present projects. They are very enthusiastic about projects and some of them want to do one over the holidays!
Here are some photos of aspects of the projects.Well done.
This term is when standardized tests accur in school. Drumcondra spelling tests have already been completed. The Micra T tests will be held on May 19th.
This month we are examining Rainforests of the world. The pupils can complete a project on the rainforests. It is an enjoyable project to do as it involves learning about new and interesting plants and animals. The hand up date is june 13th.
In maths we are learning about 3d shapes ,Capacity and Time.
We spent 2 weeks trying division with and without remainders as it was difficult.
We are still reading and working on the novel Tom's sausage Lion which the pupils are really enjoying.
THe pupils entered the fingal centenary Art competition which was on transport in 100 years time.
We will be doing a green school art collage where children see their place in the world.
In Irish the children have been learning all about television and T V programmes.
We have now moved onto pastimes and hobbies.
The school Tour this year is to Funtasia on Thursday June 16th. and the cost is 21 euro.
The Class have completed a lot of work on St Patrick and the Easter story.
scoilnetthemepages is a good website for cartoon strips and videos on these topics. We have looked at them on the ipads but some of the videos did not come up due to antivirus software.
The pupils might enjoy them over Easter.
Well done to all the Pupils for bringing in fantastic projects on Egypt. They were so well presented and the children really enjoyed seeing how other pupils displayed their work.
Some excellent pyramids were constructed also.
For the month of March we are busy preparing for our céilí and practising irish dances. We are also commencing GAA training again with Panner.
In Maths we are concentrating on tables also weight and 2D shapes.
We have returned to the Well being programme and covering 2 more Tools of Resilience. lucky dip of distraction and Helpful thinking Helmet.
In Irish the pupils are learning weather phrases and past times.
In SESE the pupils are enjoying learning about the Human body. is a safe site for them to read about body parts and how the body works.
In history we will look at Power points about the Rising of 1916.Also the life of St Patrick.
It is a busy month in Art with St Patricks Day and Easter so close together.
February 2016.
This month the pupils are completing a project on Egypt.
I handed out a note on the project.
The project can be done on a scrapbook or display book.
Closing date is 29th of February.
I will also teach the stay safe programme in school.
A booklet will be sent home with the children at the end of the 5 lessons.
In maths we will be learning about fractions and multiplication by 3, 6and 9.
Again it is very important that the children learn these tables.
In irish we will be studying weather. Also days months and seasons.
January 2016
History ,The wooden horse of Troy.
The children enjoyed reading Greek legends on the ipad .This could be done at home and would also improve reading and vocabulary.
Maths .
Addition and subtraction of metres and centimetres.
Multiplication by 4 and 8.keep up learning of tables.
Division by 4 and 8.
An Teach.
Rooms of the house ,furniture in the house.
Physical geography of Ireland.
mountains of Ireland.
science .
Famous Inventors and their discoveries.
well being and mindfullness
The pupils will learn about Resilience .
ways of coping with difficult situations.
5 tools of resilience.
PE gymnastics
December 2015.
History Bronze Age. website on Bronze Age artefacts in the national museum .
The National museum is worth a visit.
Maths Shop and money.
Irish Éadái
Geography. counties mountains and rivers of Ireland .
Website know your ireland has lots of quizzes and games on the above.
Dress Rehearsal
The dress rehearsal for the play will be on Thursday 10th of December at 9.00 am. It will be very noisy as there will be lots of classes at it. PLease come that day if the play time the following week does not suit.
Christmas Play.
Our Christmas play this year is called The Night Before christmas. It will be staged in the school hall on Thursday 17th of December at 11 am.The practices are going well at this stage. The Costumes are very simple for the play. Black/grey clothes for the mice. ears and tail are optional. Toys wear bright clothes as do the children. Hope you can make the performance.
Welcome to all in room 17. Today we went to our first swimming lesson and it was really enjoyable.We will be going for the next 7 weeks.Well done to you all for remembering all your extra things for the lessons.The trip was like a school tour!
This Thursday 10/9/15 Mouse is coming to visit.He will take the class for the rest of the year and explore the animals and birds of the locality.The pupils love these visits.
we have just completed place value in maths and are now learning Addition with numbers up to 999. Parents can encourage children to add bills in shops and to work out change from pocket money etc.
We also completed the story of Fionn and the Fianna in History.It would be very heplful to read Irish legends for children with your child.
September 28th 2015
Dear parents, the following updates will give you an insight into classwork in our classroom.
In Irish we have started the topic Food (Bia).this includes breakfast food food in lunches and dinners. Phrases like Is maith liom/ ni maith liom various foods.
In Maths we have been studying time,both analogue and digital time. It would be helpful if you asked your child times (5 minute intervals) T V schedules and train timetables.
In history we have begun the topic of The Stone Age. The tomb at Newgrange is an example of Stone age times and is a wonderful place for a family outing.It also has a great restaurant!