Activity Ideas for any book:
- Create a character profile on one of the characters in the story.
- Design a poster advertising the book.
- Choose a character and write a journal entry as if you are that character.
- Predict what will happen in the next chapter of the book. Draw it or write a paragraph.
- Create an alternative cover for the book.
- If you were to interview the author, what questions would you ask?
- If this novel had a playlist (or soundtrack), which songs would be included and why?
- Draw a comic strip of your book.
- Make a "WANTED" poster for the main character.
- Write a different ending to the book.
- Compare your book with another book you've read. How were the stories similar/different?
- Write a scene that could have happened in the book but didn’t.
- Describe what you think happened to the main character after the book ended.
- Write a poem that summarises the story.
- If the story of your book takes place in another country, prepare a travel brochure using pictures you have found or drawn.