Back to School with a new year ahead and everyone ready to study Maths !
Did you know Maths is all round us?
Last month we covered an introduction to "Addition" and "Subtraction". we also looked at " Place Value". The children enjoyed looking and recognising numbers e.g 978- 900, 70, 8 units. We have also enjoyed counting numbers in groups forward and backwards out loud and we have been excellent in learning our tables up to 12+.
We looked at "Time". We have learned to tell the "Time". There are very useful questions to ask your child at home. What time is it?, What Time do you get up at?, What time does school start at, and finish?. What time do you eat lunch at?, what time do you go to bed?, Where is the big and small hand pointing to? It is important to remember the small hand is at the hour and the big hand is at the minutes. We also looked at the Digital clock. We now can recognise the time at midnight and any hour that has passed after midnight 00.00 and e.g 03.30, What time is this?. We used some very useful maths resources. Each child was able to use their own clock given to them by myself. Every child made great efforts in showing the time on their own clock.
Last week we looked at " Lines and Angles". Every child in the class had great fun in showing a right angle, smaller than a right angle and larger than a right angle. We also were able to look around in the classroom to see what they can see to show something that is Parallel, Horizontal and Vertical. I have to say most enjoyable by all. Everyone had their "Maths Eyes" on that day.
Finally we have started a new week looking at "Groovy graphs, Pictograms and taking a Tally. I look forward to informing you of how we get on.