Green Schools Global Citizenship: Marine Environment
Here in Pope John Paul II NS we are busy working on the Global Citizenship Marine Environment Theme. Keep an eye here for updates on the wide variety of workshops, projects and initiatives the children are participating in as we work towards our 8th Green Flag Award!
Congratulations to Naoise, Dearbhla and Robyn, whose entries were combined to give us our wonderful new Green Code! Well done girls!
In January , some of our classes participated in a live online Webinar as part of the Explorers Education Programme. The children listened to stories and marine based facts and had to predict if they were fact or fiction! We had great fun using Slido to record our answers. We learned lots about jellyfish , sharks and seaweed!
As part of the Explorer's Marine Project, Ms Costello's and Ms McDaid's class took part in the 'Taking Care of Our Oceans' virtual workshop which was facilitated by Marine Dimensions. During the first session, which was hosted by Mona, the children learned about and explored litter in our oceans, in particular the devastating effect of plastic pollution. Then then completed projects which they presented to Mona during the follow-up session. These are just a sample of some of the amazing work both classes completed!
A huge number of children walked/cycled/scooted to school today and the best class at each year level was awarded the 'Golden Boot' trophy! Well done to all, especially Room 4, Room 8, Room 17, Room 24 and Room 25 who won the awards for November!