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Room 15 - Ms. Forman

Visit from Ms. Carroll and baby Jamie!

Our ice-cream pictures made from coloured card and foam sheets look good enough to eat!

We had great fun during Book Week! We did paired reading with third class and had a DEAR time in the foyer which was specially decorated. There were also some great costumes on view!
Great work today on our Viking Projects! Fantastic teamwork and presentations.

We had a great time at the Christmas play in Malahide Library last week. The singalong at the end was fantastic!

Looking forward to seeing everyone at out 4th Class Christmas Performance in the school hall on Wednesday 20th of December at 1.30. Our rehearsals are going great!

Hallowe'en Fun!

We really enjoyed the visit from the Dublin Ladies All-Ireland Champions yesterday!

Golden Time Fun!

We have had a great start to 4th class in Room 15! Everyone has settled in really well and I'm so impressed with the children's positive attitude and hard work. 

I'm looking forward to a great year ahead!
