We had a great day in Tayto Park on Tuesday 26th June. All the children enjoyed the rides and the zoo!
We had a lovely time with Ms Marron's 3rd Class for our Care and Connect Day during Well-Being Week. We played games with the 3rd Class Students. See photos below.
The children had great fun learning about engineering at the workshop run by the Rediscovery Centre. We had a talk about engineering and how we use it in our daily lives. We then saw life without engineering! The children had a ball doing 3 different practical activities. Everyone got a turn to try each of the stations. Thanks to Mr. Leahy for coming with us. Take a look at the pictures below.
Well done to all the boys and girls who made a huge effort to dress up as their favourite character for World Book Day. Unfortunately the snow meant it was a week later than planned! We also had a great book quiz thanks to Mr. Rixon!
The children enjoyed our skipping workshop with Skippy John and are practising their new skills in yard!
The children are trying out different experiments during science week. We made paper rcokets and investigated if plants drink water. Take a look at the pictures below. More to follow:
The children dressed up on the last day of school before Halloween! Some scary and funny costumes!!
The children were practising their Irish by pretending to give and take orders in a restaurant.
There was great excitement today when Sinéad Aherne and Noelle Healy from Dublin Senior Ladies Gaelic Football team brought the Brendan Martin Cup into PJP! Take a look at the pictures below.