Home Page

Ms. Hanly

Thanks to our reading buddies for helping us make our St. Brigid's crosses.

Klaaskickz football

Making bird feeders with Mouse.

Christmas concert

We participated in a fun Christmas maths quiz with lots of other schools.

We had a great 7 weeks at swimming. We received certificates after our last lesson.

November visit from Mouse - identifying birds.

Using instruments during our music lesson

Happy Halloween!

Our Halloween masks!

Our classroom pumpkins

October Golden Boot Winners!

Our reading buddies made maths games for us to play as part of Maths Week!

Our October visit from Mouse. We hid conkers, completed a scavaneger hunts and played animal survival games.

Our trip to Marino Institute for the Bubbly Maths Show

Working on 2D shapes during iPads.

We went on a 2D shape hunt around the school

Making our names during STEM with Ms. Hayden!

Cooperative games with our reading buddies for Anti Bullying week!

Markey Mile
