Homework can vary from Teacher to Teacher.
Should a difficulty arise please make an appointment to discuss it with the Class Teacher.
2nd & 3rd Classes: Sums and/or written work
Duration: Approximately 25 minutes plus learning of tables, spellings and reading.
4th Classes: As for (a) only approximately 10 minutes longer for written work.
5th & 6th Classes: Maths/Irish. Maths/English. Other combinations.
Duration: Approx. 45 minutes plus learning.
It is advisable to create a good study environment in your home and to help your child become more responsible and independent in doing his/her homework. It is very important that spellings, tables and other oral work are learned thoroughly and examined by a parent. Further details are contained in School Homework Policy.
Please ensure that your child comes to school fully resourced with a 12 inch/30 cm ruler, pencil/pen, sharpener, eraser and colouring pencils. Children need to have their own equipment for school. Class teachers may suggest variations on the above guidelines. Tippex and Permanent Markers are not allowed.