Please keep an eye on this page throughout the year for helpful hints and general news about what’s happening in room 28.
(1) Our P. E. Day is Thursday. Please remember to wear your tracksuit and runners .
(2) You will find our homework on Aladdin Connect. Please submit all homework on a Friday .
This year Shauna will represent our class on 'The Green School Committee'. We are working towards 'The Marine Environment Flag'. If Shauna is absent or needs assistance, Alessia is our sub representative. Thank you to both of the girls for volunteering. We remember to recycle in our classroom. We bring our rubbish home in our lunch box and sort it into the correct bins at home. We turn off the classroom lights when they are not needed and we make sure not to leave the taps running!
This year , we are working towards the 'Amber Flag' for Mental Health Awareness. Darragh will represent our class at monthly meetings. If Darragh is ever absent or needs assistance, Ronan is our substitute representative. This is a new flag for the school and we are very excited about helping to achieve it. Thanks to the boys for volunteering to be on the committee.