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Credit Union Quiz Trials

On October 21st the P.E. hall was a hive of activity as over 130 students tried out for a place on our Credit Union teams. There was great representation from all the 4th, 5th and 6th classes with some classes having up to twelve students participating. There was both a junior and senior trial due to the overwhelming interest in securing a place on one of the teams. This huge interest is a credit to the students themselves, their parents and their teachers. Each and every student did their very best. Ms. Shaw and Ms. Kieran were very proud of all their efforts. Those selected for the panel meet regularly for practice and willingly give up their break times to accommodate this.

Many thanks to all the boys and girls for their participation in the trials for the Quiz teams and we hope to see you all again next year. You never know, it could be you representing the school next year.
