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What's going on in our class this month

Everyone has been working really hard in Room 1 during January!


In English we read the inspiring story of Bethany Hamilton in 'Soul Surfer'. We really enjoyed watching the film based on the book and writing our own Newspaper Reports based on the story too. We also learned about procedural writing this month and we wrote different instructions/recipes which we typed up on the laptops! We've continued to use the website to practise our weekly spellings. 


In Maths we've been studying Fractions and Lines and Angles! We learned how to use a protractor to measure and draw angles.


We've been learning about 16th and 17th Century Ireland in History, The Community in Geography and learning all about the Digestive System in Science.


Our theme in Irish during January was 'Eadaí'.


We've completed some great work during iPad and Laptop time each week.


In Art, we designed our own surf boards and we looked at the art technique of 'pointillism' made famous by the French artist George Seraut.


We also had a visit from Trocaire this month and we found out lots of information about the work that Trocaire do and how we can help.


Please check back regularly to see the wonderful work the children in Room 1 are working on and for updates on what we are learning about in February,




Ms. Murphy frown





"Dear students, the summer has ended.
The school year at last has begun.
But this year is totally different.
I promise we'll only have fun.

"We won't study any mathematics,
and recess will last all day long.
Instead of the pledge of allegiance,
we'll belt out a rock-and-roll song.

"We'll only play games in the classroom.
You're welcome to bring in your toys.
It's okay to run in the hallways.
It's great if you make lots of noise.

"For homework, you'll play your Nintendo.
You'll have to watch lots of T.V.
For field trips we'll go to the movies
and get lots of candy for free.

"The lunchroom will only serve chocolate
and triple fudge sundaes supreme."
Yes, that's what I heard from my teacher
before I woke up from my dream.


By Kenn Nesbitt


