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Ms. Farrelly (Room 17)

Hour of Code

The children enjoyed their Hour of Code with Peter Evans from Microsoft. They were all thinking like coders by the end of the hour. Some fantastic ideas of technical designs to help achieve the global goals. Many Thanks to Peter. Well done boys and girls! 

Maths Maze

We were working very hard on the money maze today. Thanks to Ms Garland who made he money maze. Congratulations to Millie who made it to the end of the maze with the most money and won a prize!

Zoom Advent Assembly

Well done to all the boys and girls who took part in the zoom Advent Assembly today. We were the lead class. Great singing and reading. 

Roman projects

Children presented fantastic Roman projects today in class. Some great facts!

Pen Licences

Congratulations to the boys and girls who have all received their pen licences! 


Congratulations to Caoimhe who won the Imagine More Credit Union Art Competition and received a €20 book token!

Zoom Science Workshop with The Rediscovery Centre

Welcome to 4th Class!  
