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Parking / Driving safely around PJP

Driving and Parking Safely Around PJP


We all want a safe environment for our children when travelling to and from school. PJP Parents' Council is in regular contact with Fingal County Council (FCC) regarding road safety measures to help keep our children safe whether it's walking, cycling or driving to school. But to help make this work, we also ask for the co-operation of parents in adhering to a few simple 'safety' guidelines when parking and dropping off their children at PJP:


  • DO NOT park or drive into the Cul-de-Sac at Inbher Ide Drive
  • DO NOT park where there are double yellow lines
  • DO NOT park where there are 'No Parking' cones
  • DO NOT block anyone's driveway - this is also a residential area!
  • DO NOT park or drop off your child on the bends/corners leading up to PJP (as this can cause unnecessary traffic congestion as well as visibility issues for oncoming drivers/school children crossing the road......and this can be quite dangerous).
  • DO NOT do U-Turns in front of the school at Inbher Ide Drive during school drop off/pick up times (again - this can cause unnecessary traffic congestion).
  • When turning at the Inbher Ide / Sea Road junction, please be EXTRA VIGILANT for children crossing at that section of the road.  
  • When driving on Sea Road, please SLOW DOWN and be EXTRA VIGILANT as some children may need to cross over the road to get to The Cove.


  • DO consider walking your child to school if you are fortunate enough to live nearby but if you must drive, please give good Road Safety examples to our children - they are the drivers and road users of the future!

